ArtiF1ed, Racing Reborn.
I had always wanted to do something about the waste our sport creates, when about 15 years ago the idea of selling obsolete, damaged, scrapped car parts came to mind. I didn't want to just sell on the parts on as is, I wanted to give my fellow fans the chance of owning the best memorabilia I could possibly offer and with my arts background I found that these F1® car parts really leant themselves to being redesigned and re-purposed into something new, something beautiful, something cool.
Over the years however I have had to call a halt to this process due the ongoing battle I'm having with Multiple Sclerosis and the inability to physically be able to put these gifts together. Right now I am having periods of good health which enable me to get back to doing what I absolutely love, the design and manufacturing of upcycled F1® car part gifts. I am using this opportunity to give something back to the organisations which have helped not only myself, but every single person with MS to maintain, manage and cope with the symptoms this illness presents.
Having witnessed the waste produced by Formula One over the past 20 years I decided that I could make a difference and at the same time give fans of the sport a unique opportunity to own the ultimate in F1 memorabilia. There are stories about fields in southern England having shipping containers packed full of F1® cars and parts being buried, certainly this was true of teams up the early 2000's. More recently many teams archive parts,
but these archives have to be emptied, many items are destroyed (see the secretly filmed video of what one of the largest teams in F1® do when clearing out their archives) and due to their inability to be recycled, are put into landfill, something which will only have a huge detrimental effect to our environment in the future. Below I have embedded video of what McLaren do with their parts they no longer have a use for, pretty saddening and shocking that so much material like this ends up in landfill.